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Companies Who Are Already Using Craft CMS

10 min read
Shape April 2022 HR 189

Wondering whether Craft CMS is truly enterprise-ready? This list of major global companies using Craft CMS will showcase real-world examples across industries. Learn what industry leaders from news, tech, retail and more already know - Craft CMS delivers the flexibility, scalability and power needed for today's digital experiences.

Major global companies including New York Times, Amazon, Intel, and Mailchimp use Craft CMS to manage content across websites and digital experiences due to its flexible modeling and structuring, robust multi-site capabilities, built-in search and SEO, decoupled architecture, active plugin ecosystem, intuitive interface, and developer-focused extensibility.

Major Companies Using Craft CMS Across Industries

Craft CMS Usage Among Leading News and Media Publishers

Prominent news and media organisations including the New York Times, BBC, NBC, and Bloomberg rely on Craft CMS to power their digital content offerings.

The New York Times utilises Craft CMS to enable its journalists to rapidly publish stories to its website. Craft's flexible content modelling and custom fields help NYT create specialised content types like reviews and interactive features. Craft's native search also assists readers in quickly finding relevant articles.

Similarly, the BBC leverages Craft's versatile content architecture to efficiently manage its extensive online content across news, sports, weather, TV, radio, and more. Craft provides a centralised CMS that allows BBC to unify its web content.

American media conglomerate NBC employs Craft CMS to manage the content for its popular news sites like NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC. The ability to create custom fields helps NBC tailor Craft to its unique publishing needs. Craft's multi-site management also enables NBC to efficiently run multiple properties from a unified CMS.

Bloomberg Media, the consumer arm of Bloomberg L.P., utilises Craft to power its main website Bloomberg.com. Craft provides Bloomberg with a flexible framework to deliver a rich, constantly updated experience covering markets, finance, technology and more. The verbose plugin also helps Bloomberg create SEO-friendly content.

Global Enterprise Brands Relying on Craft CMS

Many Fortune 500 companies and global enterprise brands use Craft CMS to manage their digital presence and web content.

E-commerce giant Amazon employs Craft for key portions of its global sites. Craft's flexible content modelling allows Amazon to optimise its product pages. The Craft Commerce plugin also provides Amazon with smooth e-commerce integration.

Technology leader Intel uses Craft CMS to create an optimal experience for its multifaceted website covering products, solutions, support, and more. Craft's custom fields enable Intel to manage complex technical content effectively.

Financial services titan JPMorgan Chase relies on Craft CMS to unify and manage content across its digital properties. Craft's multi-site management helps JPMorgan administer its diverse set of websites efficiently from a centralised control panel.

Craft CMS Adoption by Large Tech and Software Companies

Craft CMS is widely adopted by technology companies and software firms including Mailchimp, Slack, and InVision.

Email marketing platform Mailchimp uses Craft CMS for elegant web design. Craft provides Mailchimp with the flexibility to regularly update content like customer stories, case studies and thought leadership articles.

Workplace messaging app Slack employs Craft to power its sophisticated website experience covering products, solutions, resources, and more. Slack leverages Craft's versatile architecture to manage multifaceted content.

Digital product design platform InVision relies on Craft CMS to manage its beautifully designed website. Craft's APIs help InVision integrate its design collaboration tools into its website experience. The Matrix field enables complex content relationships.

Top Retailers and eCommerce Brands Choosing Craft CMS

Leading retailers and eCommerce companies like Tesla, Bonobos, and Canada Goose use Craft CMS to deliver engaging customer experiences.

Electric automaker Tesla leverages Craft’s many features to power its sleek digital presence across its website, stores, galleries, and more. Craft provides Tesla with sophisticated content structuring options ideal for showcasing its vehicles.

Online menswear retailer Bonobos employs Craft to create rich, immersive digital experiences that complement its high-end clothing line. Craft's eCommerce integration helps Bonobos incorporate shopping functionality elegantly.

Luxury apparel brand Canada Goose utilises Craft CMS to showcase its premium winter clothing. Craft's flexible fields help Canada Goose effectively present detailed product information on materials, warmth ratings, fits, and more.

Craft CMS for Digital Agencies and Marketing Firms

Top creative and digital agencies including Wieden+Kennedy and Ogilvy build solutions with Craft CMS to manage clients' web presences.

Full-service agency Wieden+Kennedy, known for major ad campaigns, leverages Craft's versatile architecture to build customised sites for big brands rapidly.

Global marketing leader Ogilvy employs Craft CMS for its clients across industries to create content models tailored to their unique needs. Craft enables Ogilvy to efficiently manage multifaceted digital experiences.

Key Benefits Driving Craft CMS Adoption

Flexible Content Modelling and Structuring

One of the main appeals of Craft CMS is its flexible content modelling that enables companies to customise content structures to their specific needs.

Craft provides a versatile field system that lets users create any type of content field like text, images, tables, matrices etc. This powerful modelling allows the creation of custom content types and fields tailored to a business's unique requirements.

For example, an automotive company can create custom fields for specifications like horsepower, torque, transmission type, etc specifically for car model pages. A news site can create specialised fields like interview transcripts, embedded media, sources, etc for article content types.

Craft also provides sophisticated content structuring options like Entries, Categories, Tags, Matrix blocks, etc. This allows businesses to model content relationships like articles grouped under categories, products sorted by collections, etc in ways optimised for their content ecosystem and audiences.

Overall, Craft's flexible modelling and structuring capabilities enable brands to custom-build digital experiences matching their specific needs. This removes the limitations of rigid, one-size-fits-all CMS platforms.

Powerful Multi-Site Management

Craft provides robust multi-site management capabilities that enable brands to efficiently manage multiple websites from a unified CMS.

The Groups feature allows users to define separate sites and group certain sections, entries, assets, etc within each site. For example, a brand can group its 'Support Site' content in one group, 'Blog' in another, and 'Main Website' in a third, while managing everything from a single Control Panel.

Craft also provides useful multi-site features like site-specific templates, restricting content by site group, propagating entries across groups, and segmented user permissions.

This unified multi-site management is invaluable for global enterprises like Intel managing 30+ country/language sites, or media conglomerates like NBC running many niche properties. It streamlines web content operations, eliminating the hassles of disjointed CMS systems.

Native Search and SEO

Craft CMS provides built-in, configurable search that helps businesses enhance discoverability and SEO.

The native search indexes content entries, asset files, users, etc. Useful parameters like search score, minimum character length, required permission, etc can be customised. The search can be exposed via front-end forms or JSON APIs.

For SEO, Craft enables granular metadata like titles, descriptions, keywords for different content types and properties. The Verbose plugin further optimises SEO with auto-generated long-form content.

Overall, Craft's integrated search and SEO minimises need for third-party plugins, simplifies DX, and provides organisations control over optimising findability and rankings.

Headless and Decoupled Architecture

Craft's headless/decoupled architecture offers integration flexibility critical for modern digital experiences.

Craft focuses solely on the backend CMS functionality. The frontend presentation layer is completely decoupled, usually handled by JS frameworks like React, Vue, Angular etc.

This enables the frontend and backend teams to work independently and integrate using APIs and webhook CMS events. It also allows presentation layer changes without affecting content.

Craft's decoupled architecture provides benefits like omnichannel content syndication, progressive web apps, IoT integration and more. For traditional websites, Twig front-end templating is still available.

The decoupled architecture gives architects ultimate flexibility in choosing frameworks and integrations when delivering digital experiences.

Active Ecosystem and Support

Craft enjoys an active ecosystem with over 500 plugins, robust documentation, and responsive support that enables long-term success.

Craft's plugin store has plugins covering needs like ecommerce, marketing, SEO, integrations, etc. The open API enables custom integration plugins.

The documentation covers CMS fundamentals to advanced topics. An active Community forum and Slack channel provides peer support.

Pixel & Tonic's prompt customer service provides expert assistance. Training and consulting is also available.

This ecosystem enables developers to quickly learn, enhances DX, and offers help if needed, inspiring long-term Craft CMS adoption.

Intuitive Control Panel and Visual Editor

Craft provides an intuitive control panel and visual editor that increases authoring productivity.

The control panel offers clear IA, one-click access to content entries, and asset management. Bulk editing capabilities like Find and Replace increases efficiency.

The visual editor enables authoring posts via a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get interface. In-line media embeds, Markdown formatting, and collaboration features improves creation.

For developers, front-end form widgets and React-based custom components accelerates building editing interfaces.

This empowers less technical users to efficiently produce content while giving developers tools to quickly build editable experiences.

APIs, Webhooks and Developer Flexibility

Developer-focused APIs, webhooks and modular architecture provides extreme flexibility tailored to complex projects.

Craft exposes RESTful data APIs that return JSON responses to access content from any app. Webhooks enable triggering external events when CMS data changes.

Craft's modular structure allows swapping components like Oauth implementations, image handling, etc. Front-end templating provides full UI control.

This allows developers to deeply customise Craft CMS for unique projects, connect disparate systems via APIs, and build complex CMS integrations.

Overall, Craft provides unparalleled flexibility at the code level while retaining a friendly Control Panel UI. This dev focus plus user simplicity powers Craft's success.

Shape April 2022 HR 202
Andy Golpys
- Author

Andy has scaled multiple businesses and is a big believer in Craft CMS as a tool that benefits both Designer, Developer and Client. 

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