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Yours Truly

Yours Truly is a digital-first agency, focusing on user-centered brand communication. They have been active since 1998, dedicating their efforts to the connected world and delivering creative excellence for well-known brands.

Yours Truly Thumbnail
Company Address
Hamburg, Germany
Team Size
30+ People
Verified Craft Partner

Who they are

Yours Truly is a digital-first agency, focusing on user-centered brand communication. They have been active since 1998, dedicating their efforts to the connected world and delivering creative excellence for well-known brands.


Brand Strategy & Positioning
Information Architecture
User Experience Design
Full Craft CMS Builds
Craft CMS Updates
Ongoing Website and CMS Maintenance
Cloud Services

Accolades or Awards

Officially climate-neutral in collaboration with ClimatePartner. Awarded the Hamburg Family Seal for offering innovative and smart solutions to employees with families and caregiving responsibilities.

What they do

The agency brings together all components of modern marketing, including brand and performance, data and emotions, experiences, and platforms. Their services encompass strategy, data/insights, analytics, creative campaigns, influencer/creator marketing, eCRM, media, social media, branded content, eCommerce, and technology solutions.

Why choose them

Yours Truly stands out for its user-centered approach, digital-first mindset, and a broad range of services that cover every aspect of modern marketing. Their commitment to sustainability and family-friendly policies also adds to their appeal.

In a nutshell

Yours Truly is a digital-first agency with over two decades of experience, offering a wide range of services from strategy to implementation. They are known for their user-centered approach, creative excellence, and commitment to sustainability and family-friendly work environment.

Projects by Yours Truly

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