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Mighty in the Midwest

Mighty in the Midwest is a digital design and web technology company, specializing in crafting websites and digital products that connect people with meaningful content.

Mighty in the Midwest Thumbnail
Company Address
50 Louis St NW Ste 520, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA
Team Size
3-9 People
Verified Craft Partner
Craft Commerce Verified
Enterprise Verified

Who they are

Mighty in the Midwest is a digital design and web technology company, specializing in crafting websites and digital products that connect people with meaningful content.


Website Design & Development
Small, Medium, Large Websites
Multi-Site Platforms
Headless Craft CMS
Custom Web Apps
Custom Plugins
Integrations & APIs
Data & Content Migrations
Branding & Identity
Website Audits
Digital Strategy
Information Architecture (IA)
User Experience (UX) Design
Content Strategy
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Project Management
Ongoing Support & Maintenance

What they do

They focus on digital strategy, design, and technology, creating clarity and crafting websites and digital products. Their work includes planning, designing, and developing interfaces, user experiences, content, and content management systems for web and mobile.

Why choose them

Clients should choose them for their focus on relationships, investment in their team, and commitment to thoughtful design and exceptional build quality. They are also known for delivering long-term value and improving digital products over time.

In a nutshell

Mighty in the Midwest is a digital design and web technology company that excels in creating digital products and websites that effectively connect people with content. They are a Verified Craft Partner, Craft Commerce Verified, and Enterprise Verified, known for their human-centered approach and commitment to quality and value.

Projects by Mighty in the Midwest

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