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Electric Enjin

Electric Enjin is an e-commerce marketing agency that specializes in creating engaging user experiences. They are known for their work in partnering with direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to produce results that often surpass industry benchmarks.

Electric Enjin Thumbnail
Company Address
Team Size
10-29 People

Who they are

Electric Enjin is an e-commerce marketing agency that specializes in creating engaging user experiences. They are known for their work in partnering with direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to produce results that often surpass industry benchmarks.


Custom Development
EDI Integration

What they do

The agency is at the forefront of the Web3 era, offering ecommerce solutions that combine cutting-edge design with robust coding. Their services include digital storefronts, web engineering, design and experience, seamless store migration, strategy and planning, ecommerce UI/UX design, SEO and ADA integration, API and data integration, custom frontend development, conversion rate optimization, testing and quality assurance, ongoing support and maintenance, CMS strategy and consultation, CMS customization and configuration, UI/UX design, CMS theme and template development, CMS plugin and extension development, content migration and integration, and CMS training and support.

Why choose them

Electric Enjin should be considered for their expertise in ecommerce marketing, particularly in the Web3 space. Their comprehensive range of services, from strategy and planning to UI/UX design and ongoing support, makes them a versatile choice for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.

In a nutshell

Electric Enjin stands out as an innovative ecommerce marketing agency, adept in the latest Web3 technologies and committed to delivering high-performance, aesthetically appealing, and user-centric ecommerce solutions. Their partnership with Craft CMS and focus on detailed, tailored strategies make them a strong contender for businesses seeking to revitalize their digital storefronts and online presence.

Projects by Electric Enjin

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