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Ads inc.

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Protipo Wide
Tactic Sans Blk
Tactic Sans

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Project Description

ADS, Inc. is a mil­i­tary equip­ment sup­pli­er that pro­vides tac­ti­cal equip­ment, pro­cure­ment sup­port, logis­tics, and sup­ply chain solu­tions for the defense indus­try. Bon­fire is the agency of record for ADS on all web and brand­ing needs.

Inc. brings decades of exper­tise to bear across a range of crit­i­cal defense needs for the Unit­ed States Mil­i­tary. To bring the web­site into the cen­tu­ry, Bon­fire lever­aged a refreshed brand iden­ti­ty and Craft to devel­op a sophis­ti­cat­ed front-end inter­face that’s ready to grow and scale.

The new ADS web­site incor­po­rates an evolved brand iden­ti­ty and an eye-catch­ing new design that bet­ter high­lights ADS capa­bil­i­ties and core spe­cial­ties. Site con­tent is dynam­i­cal­ly opti­mized for speed and performance.

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Key features we like

Great use of fonts
Nice use of fonts
Great use of photography
Clear navigation
Fast speed
Craft integrations
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Ads inc Image Block 3
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